SAM Assured offer a plethora of SAM related services. Whilst you will find some common offerings on our website, please remember that we can be accommodating outside of these options and even the options themselves can always be customized. You can reach out for something as small as interpretting your license entitlement report from a software manufacturer to something more complex like software audit support. We also offer support around things like policy creation and tool selection, all whilst provided loads of free resources to help you along your way.
Compliance Review
Also referred to often as a Baseline, this service offers a full software asset review for any given vendor to help you understand what software you have entitlement to, as well as where and how it is being utilized. Helping you to identify any financial/contractual risks associated with those assets; but most importantly any optimization/cost saving opportunities. Undergoing our Compliance Review is good for peace of mind but also comes in really handy when you have upcoming renewals you are doing your due diligence on. This review will also make you less attractive to vendor audits and will substantially shorten the timeline of any audits that do happen. After all effective SAM is all about getting proactive!
Policy Creation
To be successful at SAM, you need a plan. A plan for how you are going to structure your SAM environment, what roles will need to be fulfilled and who is going to own certain responsibilities. There will need to be rules too, guidance on how software assets are best managed throughout their entire lifecycle to be profitable, compliant components of a well-oiled business. This plan needs to be well thought out, well documented and well circulated. There is little point in creating a Policy for it to sit alone in some dark corner of Sharepoint where no one will ever find it. Policy writing for some is tedious for some, and for others, its at the bottom of a very long list of other things they need to get to. Either way, we are here to help.
Cloud Review
Historically, SAM's largest threats came in the form of overdeployment. Now adays, the greatest threat in this new world of SaaS (Software as a Service) is overcommitment. The good news is that this can be low hanging fruit in some circumstances and can be more easily rectified than other management oversights. In fact, all that is often needed is an extract of your users from your Software Portal/Cloud platform/Tenant, along with an extract from your Azure Entra ID /Active Directory. This will not only provide the opportunity for savings, but will also provide you with a glimse into the causes of any bloating of your estate. Which out of interest, we can help with too.
Tool Health Check
For those of you that have already done (or perhaps even skipped) the business case portion of your SAM/ITAM journey and have already deployed an inventory tool; it's reliability depends on how well deployed it is. 90% of our customer's often believe that the have full coverage only to have a nasty surprise when presented with the reality. Like any service based software, agent based deployment needs constant monitoring. Something as small as not restarting devices for a long period could stop client agents from reporting. Let us give you the piece of mind needed before using this data for any key business decisions.
Cloud Migration Prep
Whilst not as widely adopted as SaaS, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is still a popular choice when wanting to eliminate/reduce the need for on-premise server infrastructure. What is often overlooked when getting buy in for this business decision is the leg work required for your software migration. And we aren't talking about the fairly straight forward stuff like Microsoft, have you even considered the non-licensable liability? Even FOC software may not permit/support IaaS deployment. You need to map out the full scope and review terms and conditions for it all! Fancy some company?
Audit Support
Whether you like it or not, there is a 90% chance you have already agreed to annual manufacturer audits of your software usage. Such audits don't always come at a large compliance cost to the business, but will always come at a high cost in terms of time and interruption. Taking valuable resource away from other critical projects and causing the levels of stress that might compromise other service quality. What you probably didn't know is that there is support available for you here, provided you engage us early enough. Why not see how we can ease the burden.
Process Automation
Embracing automation offers your organization a transformative pathway towards efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage. Our tailored automation solutions are meticulously designed to streamline workflows, optimize processes, and mitigate operational bottlenecks, enabling your team to focus on strategic initiatives and value-added tasks. Through our expertise, we identify bespoke automation opportunities across your business landscape, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive productivity gains and cost savings. By entrusting us with your automation journey, you empower your organization with unparalleled insights, agility, and scalability.
License Notifications
Everyday licensing sometimes requires you to grow eyes in the back of your head, with often such an army of things to keep an eye on. And sometimes, things you should be keeping an eye on, that you don't know about! Our tailored license notification solution is here to ensure you don't miss a step and don't need to hunt down information. The information comes to you. Freeing up your time to be more strategic and effective in your role. Through our expertise, we can automate notifications from data that isn't even easily reported on, so you can catch any issues/procurement requirements before they become an issue. Think smarter, not harder!
Business Case Creation
Business Case Creation is a step often overlooked. Akin to a business plan before launching a business, a business case is crucial to obtain the necessary buy-in to ensure an effective SAM program. This is a document where you set your goals and expectation Inception (Business Case Creation)s, that you can look back on to refresh inspiration and to keep track of your successes. Most important of all, it is where you can provide evidence of the Return on Investment your organization can see; not just financial either. Our advice here is to remain practical here, take only the most cemented statistics to estimate your gains and even then, be sceptical. It is always better to under promise and over-deliver than the other way around!